Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Start Date Set for Sept 19, 2010

Emily and I are in awe of the power and the work of God. We remember just a few months ago sitting together in our little rented house in San Luis, Costa Rica, wondering, with some anxiety, where God would lead us. At one point we asked the question in faith: I wonder where our mailing address will be as of the middle of September? It was an innocent summation of the way we felt at the time. We had just been researching tickets to fly for Canadian Thanksgiving but realized that we had no idea where we would be flying from! That was a surreal experience.

But God has moved mightily. We came back from our mission year in Costa Rica to find a note on our condo door. It read: "Mark, call Marty, he wants to buy your condo. He is aware of the price you are asking." This was from our condo president who said she had lots of feelers in the community. God used her and quickly we sold our condo without even having to list it! And, even in this market God provided a little equity toward a down-payment someday. Mike Garrett, who served as the pastor of our church in Costa Rica, had said prophetically: God is saying for you two, "trust me." We were starting to see why.

Then we headed out to preach and interview. For months we had felt God's strong leading toward Peoria, Illinois, to an exciting mission start congregation called Living Waters. We spend 10 days with them as part of our interviewing tour of the midwest and pacific northwest. Those 10 days confirmed at every point that God was directing our steps to Peoria. The clincher for me was when I stepped into the pulpit and felt a new presence and a new freedom in the Holy Spirit. The 10 days in Peoria went quickly and culminated in a vote to extend the call of pastor. We were very thankful and humbled to accept.

At every turn during our year of service we have seen God's provision and care in a way that neither Emily nor I have experienced personally before. Prior to our mission year neither of us felt that we had "testimonies" in the way others had testimonies of God's obvious hand at work. Not that we have never felt him at work in our lives, but not in ways that openly shocked us. Now we have testimonies like that to share with others. Truly God is good!

In a matter of a week we transfer into a new chapter in our lives as a pastor and pastor's wife in Peoria Ill, at Living Waters Lutheran. It will be an exciting new life for us. And, a little scary too. This will be our last official blog sent out to our Costa Rican mission supporters. As you see I have changed the name of this blog to "Life and Ministry in Peoria, Ill." We will continue this blog as a journal of our new life so we can continue to give glory to God's work. We won't be sending out reminders to read the blog anymore by email, but we invite you to check it every few weeks and to leave your comments, questions and encouragements. This blog will have far fewer volcanoes, toucans and palm trees....

During this year of mission service you were a comfort to us as we knew you were praying for us and supporting us. Please let us know if there is anything we can ever do for you as you follow God's call. What an adventure!

We remain in Him,

Mark and Emily

1 comment:

  1. Mark and Emily, you have been so very special to us that we are not willing to "let you go" because you are no longer here in Costa Rica. Thank you for your friendship, thank you for what you have tought us, thank you for staying in touch... thank you for being family with us! We are so excited for God's plan for you as a couple and for Living Waters and we will continue to pray for the experiences ahead for everyone. We love you! Mike and Kathy
