Well, it has been over a month since the last post.... I was hoping to do this every two weeks. But lots to do as a pastor in a mission church. It has been a whirlwind month and Emily and I are still catching our breaths. Today I took my first full day off in probably three weeks. But we are very happy and encouraged with the way the first month has gone. Here are some highlights:
1. Participated in two service projects with Living Waters
2. Started a praise band
3. Started weekly coffee shop hours
3. Hosted an open house at our home and had a house blessing (Sept 26)
4. Attended the LCMC national gathering in Minneapolis
5. Sold our condo in Edina, (Sept 30)
6. Started Confirmation (Oct 6)
6. Launched the new church website: www.livingh2opeoria.org
7. Met twice with our new elders, planning an elders' retreat
8. Installed as pastor (Oct 16)
9. Began hosting members in our home for Sunday dinner
10. Emily began a high school girls bible study
11. Completed first preaching series: Desert Formations based on the faith lessons of the Israelites in their time between the Red Sea and Canaan Oct 31)
12. Affirmed and commissioned the first elders of Living Waters (Nov14)
We continue to enjoy our lives here and we are so thankful for all the great people we have met. Our church is filled with faithful, energetic, friendly and committed Christians. We are thankful too for growing numbers in worship.